Daily D – Luke 5:31-32

by | Feb 8, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

Jesus replied to them, “It is not those who are healthy who need a doctor, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
LUKE 5:31-32 (CSB)



Jesus answered them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent.” (NLT)

I was ready for a nap yesterday about an hour after I awoke. I slept later than normal as is my habit on Sundays now that I don’t preach every week. The three days before had been so packed with activity that I required a bit more rest. 

As soon as worship and the normal rhythms of the morning had passed, the dogs and I made our way upstairs to the Nap Chair. I slept hard for an hour or so. I was so tired that I missed lunch. The dogs noticed. They enjoy sharing the last bite of my sandwich, which they had to do without. 

Naps are good medicine. It took a while to wake up well. I felt so bad for a bit that I considered a trip to urgent care. My bride was also a bit under the weather. Her nap lasted longer than mine. We both rallied and finished the day well. She made soup and cornbread for supper. Life is good.

There are times when we know we need a doctor. There are times when we need a doctor and cannot quite admit it. There are other times when we are sick with one thing or another and do not yet experience the symptoms that declare to us and to everyone else that something is wrong. This is why annual checkups are important. Sometimes things go unnoticed until problems become acute.

Likewise, some people have an easier time admitting their sins than others. There are respectable sinners, like me and probably you, who will handle our own small rebellions in our own time and in our own way. No thank you, Jesus, we’ve got this.

Then there are those blackhearted souls who understand there is nothing they can do to change on their own. A young woman came to me one day with the most garish makeup job and hairdo I had ever seen up close and personal. She was asking for spiritual insight. I was tiptoeing around her presenting issues. Apparently, I was being too nice. She very nearly shouted, “Look at me! I have problems!” 

She did. She did indeed. She knew it. I knew it. Everyone knew it. She wanted relief. She required a soul surgeon. She wanted Dr. Jesus. She did not have time or patience for niceties. 

The reality is that both respectable sinners and our blackhearted sisters and brothers all need the Great Physician. None of us can cure what we’ve got. None of us can remove sin’s black spot. Only Jesus can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. The good news is that he always does just that when we can admit that we have a problem and agree with him about what it is. 

Do you need a doctor, Dr. Jesus? You can self-medicate. Many, if not most people, choose this path. However, that way leads to degrading illness and never health. It is okay, wise even, to admit you need Jesus. He will not leave you waiting with all the other sick folks. He will see you now. 

Go to Jesus when you have a problem. Go to Jesus day by day for a checkup. This is how you keep your soul healthy and whole. 


I will go to Dr. Jesus day by day.


Our Father, as King David prayed, “Search me, . . . , and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way,” (Psalm 139:23, 24). Amen. 


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