Daily D – Luke 8:37

by | Feb 23, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

Then all the people of the Gerasene region asked him to leave them, because they were gripped by great fear. So getting into the boat, he returned.
LUKE 8:37 (CSB)


For some people, Jesus is everything they ever wanted and more. For others, he is a little too much.
Later, a great many people from the Gerasene countryside got together and asked Jesus to leave—too much change, too fast, and they were scared. So Jesus got back in the boat and set off.
The Message

Many people like the idea of Jesus, they simply want a domesticated version of the man. They want the Jesus who was nice and said lovely things that look good in cross-stitch and on Facebook posts. They are not too sure about all of that death-to-self talk.

For those who need Jesus, who really, really need Jesus, and not only need him but want him, well, Jesus is who they get, and they only want to be with him. Take a look at verse 35: “They came to Jesus and found the man the demons had departed from, sitting at Jesus’s feet, dressed and in his right mind.”

See also verses 38 and 39:

The man from whom the demons had departed begged him earnestly to be with him. But he sent him away and said, “Go back to your home, and tell all that God has done for you.” And off he went, proclaiming throughout the town how much Jesus had done for him.

When it comes to Jesus, we take about as much as we want. Some settle for a simple prayer and a baptism. Others want to hear more. Still others want to become devoted students. Few ever tell anyone else about what Jesus did for them.

Jesus turned this would-be follower into a good news storyteller. He had a good story. He told it.

What’s your story? Who needs to hear it? Who would your story encourage? Who would your story bring to Jesus?

The gospel does not only mean good news. It also means good story. People love stories. Why not give them yours?

Some people will find in your story the Jesus they have always been looking for. Others will find your Jesus a little too much to take, a little too lord-like. Keep telling your story anyway. You are evidence of the good news that the graveyard is not our home. (See verse 27.) Jesus saves us from living as if we were as good as dead. Jesus gives life that is full and meaningful (John 10:10).


I will tell my story about Jesus and his love.


Our Father, thank you for a story to tell. Thank you for writing new pages, episodes, and chapters day by day. I want the rest of my story to be more about you and less about me (John 3:30). May others see you in all your goodness through how you shape this old lump of clay into something useful. Amen.


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