Daily D – Matthew 22:12

by | Nov 4, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Matthew 22:12  “He asked, ‘How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?’ The man was speechless.” (NIV)

It’s never a good idea to respond to radical generosity with careless disregard. 

Take a look at this parable in verses 1-14. Guests invited to a wedding banquet for the king’s son find other things they would rather do. The king extends a broadened invitation even to the kinds of people you and I would most certainly not invite to our children’s wedding. The place was packed (verse 10). 

One guest, however, chose not to dress up. Imagine someone in a t-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops showing up at the most important event of his, or any other, lifetime. He did not honor the one who invited him. He did not honor the happy couple. He did not honor the other guests. Like those who were too busy with other things (verses 3, 5 and 6), this man could not be bothered to put on a jacket and brush his hair. 

It appears he thought he was the most important person in the room. 

Some of the wisest words you have ever heard say, “If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room.” This is generally true. If you are a teacher in a roomful of first graders, then it’s okay to be the smartest person in the room. In fact, it is expected. 

There are some who esteem themselves as the Most Important Persons (MIP) in the room. We live in a time where there are more people alive than ever who think they are the MIP in the room. Unfortunately, these MIPs all too often find it easy to treat others with contempt. They would wear what they want to your party and insist you get over it because of the high honor of their presence at your meager gathering. 

This is bad form. If you want to receive great respect, give great respect. If you want people to adore you, adore people. See Matthew 7:12 for one of the all-time greatest instructions about how to relate to others. It goes right along with what Jesus says in Matthew 22:37-40 a few verses below this story about the king’s son’s wedding.

How MIPish are you? Our Father in heaven wants you to come and celebrate Jesus. He wants you to attend the Party to End All Parties, the true Party for the Ages. He is reaching out with grace and love. How will you respond to his invitation? 

Hint: Don’t be like the t-shirt, shorts, and flip-flop guy above.

I will joyfully receive God’s invitation and happily attend the party of the ages. 

Our Father, in your kindness and graciousness, you have invited me to the Party to End All Parties. I gladly accept your invitation. Amen. 


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Daily D – Isaiah 26:3-4

Isaiah 26:3, 4
You will keep the mind that is dependent on you
in perfect peace,
for it is trusting in you.
Trust in the Lord forever,
because in the LORD, the LORD himself, is an everlasting rock!

Daily D – Psalm 113

Psalm 113
Give praise, servants of the LORD;
praise the name of the LORD.
Let the name of the LORD be blessed
both now and forever.
From the rising of the sun to its setting,
let the name of the LORD be praised.

The LORD is exalted above all the nations,
his glory above the heavens.
Who is like the LORD our God —
the one enthroned on high,
who stoops down to look
on the heavens and the earth?
He raises the poor from the dust
and lifts the needy from the trash heap
in order to seat them with nobles —
with the nobles of his people.
He gives the childless woman a household,
making her the joyful mother of children.

Daily D – Psalm 112:4-9

Psalm 112:4-9
Light shines in the darkness for the upright.
He is gracious, compassionate, and righteous.
Good will come to the one who lends generously
and conducts his business fairly.
He will never be shaken.
The righteous one will be remembered forever.
He will not fear bad news;
his heart is confident, trusting in the LORD.
His heart is assured; he will not fear.
In the end he will look in triumph on his foes.
He distributes freely to the poor;
his righteousness endures forever.
His horn will be exalted in honor.

Daily D – Isaiah 9:6

Isaiah 9:6 For a child will be born for us,
a son will be given to us,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

Daily D – Isaiah 6:8

Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord asking: Who will I send? Who will go for us? I said: Here I am. Send me.“