Daily D – Matthew 7:13-14

by | Jun 21, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

“Enter through the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who go through it. How narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life, and few find it.
MATTHEW 7:13-14 (CSB)



Robert Frost wrote about the road less traveled. He said it makes all the difference. He is correct. Jesus said taking the easy way is not the easy way. 

My bride and I spent a few days in the Pacific Northwest recently. We hiked an easy path. It was pretty nice. It followed a swiftly moving river. The trail was fairly flat and not terribly demanding. It did not take long to exhaust that trail. 

Down the river a bit, we found another trail to hike which included steep hills and outstanding views. We rested on a large boulder next to the raging river. 

We next chose a more daunting path. It required hours of climbing with rest stops every hundred yards or so. The air grew thinner. The trail was narrow and steep. We rested and enjoyed a snack beside a snowmelt waterfall. We walked until the melting snow created rivulets and muddy paths which were beyond our skill and endurance. 

That was a good climb. It would be nice to return to that trail in full summer when there is less melting snow. The meadow atop the trail offers stunning views we did not get to see this time. 

A new day and a new week offer both the easy way and a more challenging path. Which will you choose? Mr. Frost and Jesus would direct you onto the road less traveled, the path with the steepest climb. They tell us it is worth it. Let’s put on our climbing shoes and fill our backpacks with snacks and restoring beverages and follow them into meaningful adventures.


I will take the road less traveled by.


Our Father, you are the path maker and the path leader. We will follow you along this great adventure. Amen. 


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