Daily D – Micah 5:2

by | Dec 12, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Micah 5:2  Bethlehem Ephrathah, you are small among the clans of Judah; one will come from you to be ruler over Israel for me. His origin is from antiquity, from ancient times. (CSB)

Size does not equate to significance. 

This morning I am wrangling four dogs. It is a Saturday morning. People like to sleep late on Saturday morning. My bride is sleeping late. Our daughter, whose husband is out of town, is sleeping late. The dogs? Not so much. 

The three large dogs are fairly self-sufficient. They know their business and manage it well. The Tiny Puppy? He requires a bit more care. Scottie the Scottish Terrier is curious and playful. He loves running with the big dogs. However, his necessary trips outside require a leash and a guide. He could easily escape under the fence otherwise.

LBD (Little Black Dog) requires extra attention. Lots of extra attention.

Size is not the same thing as significance. We are reminded of this truth when we stub a wee toe. 

David the Shepherd Boy was the runt of the litter. He was the smallest warrior on the field of battle. However, his qualifications included taking out a lion and a bear. Bring on the Big Boy. 

That place where David came from, Bethlehem? A small place. But it was the birthplace of a king. It was also the birthplace of The King of Kings. 

When Herod wanted to know what the prophets said about where the one born King of the Jews could be found, the Scroll Scholars of the day immediately pointed to Bethlehem. (See Matthew 2:1-6.)

And this is where I had to give up due to early morning adventures with dogs. Then I led training with a church in Dallas. Now I need a nap. 

Small towns, small boys, and small girls accomplish big things in spite of their size. Size is not the same thing as significance. Our Father in heaven can take little things and do big, big things. What can he do with you? 

When our Father in heaven decided to step into time, he did not come BIG. Jesus came the same way we all have. He came as a baby. Every baby has wondrous possibilities packed inside him or her. Our Father in heaven has dreamed a dream for every child, a dream he alone can ultimately fulfill. 

You are well removed from the day of your birth, but you do not have to remain removed from God’s dream for your life. He is ready to start where you are and lead you where he always dreamed you would be. Will you allow him to maximize your life by living into the life of his dreams for you? You can. It all begins with a simple Yes to his invitation. 

Where will his dreams for you take you today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life? 


I will live the life of God’s dreams for me.

Our Father, you dream better than I do. I want to live the life of your dreams for me. Amen.


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