Daily D – Psalm 109:8

by | May 24, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 109:8  May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.

A particular man was elected to office once upon a time. I was appalled. How could anyone not see this man’s true character? That character, or lack of it, was put on full display for the whole world to see all too soon. 

A guest quoted this verse in response to some of us who were publicly lamenting those election results all those years ago. We laughed. Somehow it doesn’t feel like King David was laughing when he wrote down this prayer. For twenty verses, he tells God to let his opponent have it. 

If you are ever royally ticked off by someone who does something truly reprehensible, turn to this psalm and read it aloud. It might make you feel better. Of course, it might make you uncomfortable to talk to God like this. Better to talk to him like this than to anyone else. 

Notice what happens beginning in verse 21. King David shifts his focus away from this horrible opponent to our Father in heaven. We can focus on our problems, or we can focus on our Problem Solver. We can complain about injustice, or we can join our Father in heaven in seeking justice and mercy. We can turn to him for help and strength, hope and praise. 

Our problems are not our problem. Our problem is our focus. We see more of what  we look for. When we stop pondering our problems and start seeking God and his solutions, positive change begins. It begins in our hearts and minds. It extends through us to other needy souls. 

Remember the arc of this song. What began as a song sung blue, ends with confident praise. Do not get stuck in anger. Let God lead you from that dark valley on into light, life, and laughter.

I will turn songs sung in a minor key into major praise and thanksgiving. 

Our Father, thank you for making it safe for us to express our most powerful emotions to you. Thank you for shifting our perspective. Thank you for turning our lament into praise, our grief into joy. Amen. 


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