Daily D – Psalm 119:147-148

by | May 30, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 119:147, 148  I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope in your word. My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises.

The sun comes up early here in the desert. As an early riser, this is not a problem. Most of the time. Last night, however, the battery on our granddaughter’s monitor started beeping before three o’clock. I got up to plug it in for a recharge. 

Just before four o’clock, the dog started throwing up. That necessitated a trip to the yard where I had to accompany her due to the variety of predators in the area. Then her bed had to be cleaned up before she could jump back in it. 

It took a long time to get back to sleep. About the time dreamland welcomed me, it was time to get up for good. 

During those long, sleepless moments, all I could think about was all of the terrible things we saw and heard and read last week. Where is the hope? 

This is not the first time things have been this dark. Those who read and remember history know this full well. Yet in living memory, many of us were able to live in homes where we didn’t have to lock our doors. Schools had classrooms that opened toward streets and common areas. 

Once upon a time here in the Wild West there was unfettered gambling, alcohol, and gunplay. Many areas were essentially law-free. What happened? Christian people lived what they said they believed at home, at work, and in the community. The civilizing effects of Christianity produced the world that, while not perfect, was much safer. It had its problems. Every generation does. 

It is time for us to live what we say we believe in every domain of life. This salt and light lifestyle disinfects, heals, and comforts. It protects, defends, and serves. Also, it does not equate politics with faith. It does not confuse political correctness with truth. It does what is right, just, fair, and compassionate for all people everywhere. 

Herein lies hope. 

Roman corruption gave way to Christendom. The Dark Ages gave way to the Renaissance and Reformation. The Wild West gave way to peaceful communities of mutual support. What is God’s next act? Let’s join him in building a better world, a world where his Kingdom comes in the hearts and minds of men, women, and children. Let’s join him in building a better world, a world where his will is done in every domain of community life.

I will join God in building a better world.

Our Father, our world is a hopeless mess. We need you. Empower us to live the kinds of lives that provide solutions honoring to you and blessing to others. Use us to bring light and life and hope and healing. Amen.


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