Daily D – Psalm 85:13

by | Aug 23, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 85:13  Righteousness goes before him and prepares the way for his steps.

Plan for a trip more for what is before you than what you take with you. Prepare for how you will arrive and return more than what you will bring home with you.

This morning I placed an extra towel on the hanger for my bride’s use tomorrow. Last night I queued the book I will listen to today and tomorrow as I drive across miles and miles of Texas. I will load a box of to-dos in case I have a little extra time tonight before I lay me down to sleep. My suitcase will soon be packed and ready. Ollie the Border Collie is not happy.

A planning meeting lies ahead. The book I will listen to provides new insights regarding consuming, storing, retrieving, and applying information. This sounds like it will go well together with my errand. 

I want to travel today and tomorrow the right way. I want to go the right way, to be sure. I want to be the right person as I go, while I am there, and when I return. This requires proper preparation. There’s a good chance I will forget something in spite of my packing process which has been honed across decades. Twice in the last couple of years, I have arrived at a hotel far from home only to realize I had forgotten my belt. Thank you, Target, for being there for me.

The verse above requires more meditation and consideration. There is more there than meets the ear. God always does what is right and always moves in the right direction at the right speed in the right way. Maybe that’s why someone long ago came up with the phrase, “Vaya con Dios,” or “Go with God.”

This is my full and focused intention today. I will go with God. I want to hear his voice. I want to know his presence. I want to experience his clear direction. I want to learn from him. I want him to prepare me for every encounter and each conversation. I want to maximize these hours away from home. 

It’s time to finish packing, to load the car, and to hit the road. It’s time to go with God into the adventures ahead.

I will go with God.

Our Father, you’re the pilot. You’re the tour guide. You’re the instructor. You’re the way, the truth, and the life. I am all yours. What do you want to say to me to day? What will you show me along the way? Amen. 


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