Daily D – Psalm 103:12-14

by | Aug 26, 2020 | Daily D | 0 comments

He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. The LORD is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. For he knows how weak we are; he remembers we are only dust. PSALM 103:12-14 (NLT)


This is one of the most beautiful psalms. It is a passage bearing truth and comfort across the ages. Whenever I read these three verses, I pause. This is a good text to ponder sitting beside still waters, reflecting on who God is, and who we are in relationship with him. 

The only thing about us he casts away is our sin. At the turn of our hearts toward repentance, he removes it “as far as the east is from the west.” However you calculate that distance, it is infinite in nature. Have you turned your heart toward him asked for his forgiveness? He is more willing to forgive than you are to ask.

Our Father in heaven relates to us as his dearly loved children. He is tender. He is compassionate. He knows how frail we are. He remembers the tools he used to assemble us. Have you acknowledged him as Creator? Do you honor him as the one who holds you together when you would otherwise fall apart?

I am weak, but he is Strong. He is Strength. Our Father in heaven is the strongest of all fathers. He is the wisest, kindest, and most patient of parents. 

There is so much here for a heart to ponder. It is a good time to limit words and lean into this beautiful reality. 

What is God saying to you through this text? Whatever you hear, I am confident it begins with, “I love you,” and ends with, “and I always will.”


I will reflect on beautiful truth.


Our Father, your forgiveness is infinite. Your love endures forever. You are strength is stronger than our weakness is weak. We praise you, our Father in heaven. Amen.


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