Daily D – Psalm 106:1-2

by | Sep 7, 2020 | Daily D | 0 comments

Praise the LORD! Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Who can list the glorious miracles of the LORD? PSALM 106:1-2 (NLT)


One of the local Christian radio stations switches things up on Sunday mornings. They move from happy talk, soft rock songs that replace Baby with Jesus to contemporary praise and worship music. At every break, a man with a rich, deep voice says, “Sunday morning praise.” 

We expect praise and worship music on Sunday mornings. We expect it on the radio and we expect it in churches. This is definitely a Sunday Psalm. Sundays are when apprentices of Jesus gather to worship, at least they do so when there is not a pandemic afoot. They gather to praise God for who he is and to thank him for what he does. I love Sundays. 

This is also a Monday Psalm, and a psalm for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It is good every single day to remember how good God is to us. How can we remember? We can rehearse his goodness. We can record when God unmistakably works in our lives. We can write down our prayer requests and note when he answers them. We can enter into our journals the stories of how his closed doors turned into his open windows. 

Memory is powerful when it is reinforced. We reinforce it by refocusing on the memories again and again. Read about eidetic memory, what some people call photographic memory. This is something that can be cultivated. There is even an app for that! It helps you develop better memory through spaced repetition of the relevant information. You can find it in the Apple App Store. It is called Eidetic. 

Many things we think we will remember forever are so easily lost in the details of days so swiftly passing, so filled with new information. It is good to slow down with intention to remember. Sundays are good days to do so. So are the other six days of the week. 

It is also good to share those memories. Other people are encouraged when we tell our stories of firsthand experiences with God’s goodness, provision, and rescue. What’s your story? Who needs to hear it? Could you write it down so that others could experience encouragement? 

  • This is a good day to praise God for who he is. Which of his characteristics will you focus on today?
  • This is a good day to thank God for all he has done. What good things have happened in your life this week? Today?
  • This is a good day to create memories to last a lifetime. What will you focus on with intention?


I will praise God for who he is and thank him for all he has done.


Our Father, I praise you because you relate to us as Father. You are, as one of our premier songwriters declares, a good, good Father. It is who you are. You are the perfect Father. You never fail. You always provide. You always guide. You are always where we need you to be when we need you to be there. Thank you for drawing us into your family. Thank you for taking us to yourself. Thank you for loving us without limits. I will go to my journal now and write about your many kindnesses. I will join my brothers and sisters in joyful songs. Amen.


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