Daily D – Psalm 119:68

by | Apr 29, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 119:68  You are good, and what you do is good; teach me your decrees.

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:68‬ ‭NIV‬‬

You are good, and the source of good; 
train me in your goodness.
(The Message)

The National Football League draft started last night. This is such a big event it takes three days to complete. The local football team, the Dallas Cowboys, who do not play in the city of Dallas or in Dallas County, drafted a player perfectly suited to their style of play. 

The Cowboys’ offensive line was one of the most penalized units in the NFL last year. They drafted a young man who grew up in Tarrant County where the Cowboys play. This young man has a problem with penalties. The more things change, the more they stay the same. 

Just in case you are wondering, it is not good to lead the league in penalties. Penalties slow or stop forward progress. They set you back through loss of yardage or down and distance. 

Unforced errors are a part of life. All of us have done something recently causing a setback. We are often our own worst enemy. The desire to have the last word causes setbacks. Sometimes the best course of wisdom is to shut up. This is an inelegant term, isn’t it? When applied to ourselves and not addressed to others, it can become wisdom. Better one sentence short than one sentence too many.

Arriving at this hotel yesterday and walking to the desk to check in, the clerk looked at me. I looked back at him. Afraid I was disturbing him since he did not speak, I remained silent for an uncomfortable moment. Then, a few beats later, I gave him my name. He gave me a room and terse directions to the elevator. 

This is the place in the story where Hollywood has the offended guest tell off the offending host. A better course of action is to say “Thank you” and to find the elevator. 

Today you and I get to make lots and lots of choices. This may sound like your mother, but make good choices. Each of us requires some help along these lines from time to time. Let’s turn today’s verse into a prayer to help us make those good choices. 

You are good, and the source of good; 
train me in your goodness.

We are in training today, training in goodness. If the Cowboys train their offense live well, they will have fewer penalties. They will gain more yardage. They will score more points. They will win more games. That sounds good, doesn’t it?

When we train well and perform well and do all the good we can in all the opportunities before us, we likewise experience the good life God wants for us. 

How can you have a good day? Ask God to train you in goodness. Learn the lessons well. Expect tests. When you fail, apologize and begin again more intelligently. 

This could be a really good day. Pray for good outcomes. Prepare for tests. Keep making good choices all day long. This could well lead to good results and a good night’s rest. How good would that be?

I will ask God to train me in his goodness.

Our Father, train me in goodness. Empower me to make good decisions in all things at all times. Help me overcome my mistakes and unforced errors with good next steps. Give me strength for those hard right things that often trip me up. I want to live a good life. Amen. 


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