Daily D – Psalm 16:11

by | Apr 22, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

You reveal the path of life to me; in your presence is abundant joy; at your right hand are eternal pleasures.
PSALM 16:11 (CSB)


The Batman movies directed by Christopher Nolan unsettle you as soon as you ease into your seat and give you no relief until the final moments. The tension ramps up scene after scene. Two soundtracks are at work throughout the films. There is the foreground full of chaos. There is the background, settled, somber, driving toward a certain conclusion. 

We live in a world of chaos. You do not need to check the headlines to know this is true. This is our foreground soundtrack. 

The background soundtrack is described by King David here in this verse. There is a path of life. God’s presence with us along that path provides abundant joy. Eternity is in session. We receive a foretaste of glory divine.

Backing up the page a bit to verse 8 David says,

I always let the LORD guide me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.

As David wrote in Psalm 23:3, “he leads me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” In verse 4 of that Shepherd Psalm, David amplifies what he says here:

Even when I go through the darkest valley,
I fear no danger,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff —
they comfort me.

Back up the page in Psalm 16, we find these words in verses 5 and 6:

LORD, you are my portion
and my cup of blessing;
you hold my future.
The boundary lines have fallen for me
in pleasant places;
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.

Chaos appears to rule the day. The foolishness of elected and appointed leaders dominates the news. Bloody conflict confronts us when we would prefer to know the weather and the score of last night’s game. Arrogant and angry words fill the airwaves from every corner. A pandemic threatens to rebound and destroy millions of more lives. Such is the foreground soundtrack of our lives.

The background soundtrack holds a note long and steady. It promises a resolution that provides release. Only those who listen deeply and longingly understand how the concert of the ages is coming. The cacophony and tension of our days and nights are mere instruments tuning, warming, preparing. 

Our Father in heaven is in charge of our journey. Why listen to the chaos when we can listen to his voice? Why strain at the sounds of hate when we can hear the melody of his truth? Why experience hopelessness in the chaos when we can walk in the peace of the eternal which has invaded our time and draws us toward the happiest of endings? 

I always let the LORD guide me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.


I will always let the LORD guide me.


Our Father, please guide my steps. Show the way I should go. I want to walk with you through all the chaos of this day so that you may bring beauty, wonder, and awe to every moment and renewal to every problem. I will follow you into this shaky world to join you as you provide stability and hope. Amen. 


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