Daily D – Psalm 32:8

by | Feb 2, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

I will instruct you and show you the way to go; with my eye on you, I will give counsel. PSALM 32:8 (CSB)


A person’s heart plans his way, but the LORD determines his steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

Points A and B are often planned with an up and to the right orientation. We locate ourselves, our families, and our businesses somewhere in the lower left corner of a graph and plot where we want to be at some point in the future. 

Planning is good. Trusting God is better. There are not many straight lines from where we are to where we want to be in real life. 

Last week, thirty or so pastors told their leadership journeys with six pencil sketches. After listening to others tell their tales, one pastor observed, “No one’s story was what they thought it was halfway through.” This is a good insight. 

Your straight line may get interrupted. Sometimes this is because God wants to show you something. He may want to grow you or to comfort you. He may have a growth opportunity for you, or he may wish to grant you respite. It might well prove the better part of wisdom not to force a line to go straight when God wants to turn it toward something you cannot see and would never imagine.

A freeway runs between two points. I traveled that highway many times. Then one day, I took an exit and drove north a few miles. The more I drove, the more awe I felt as I gazed upon the scenery. I passed this beautiful spot so many times and never ever considered something so lovely could lie so near. 

Not every exit is a diversion. Sometimes it is destiny. When God says, “Turn,” turn. 

If you feel a little lost, or a lot, today, ask God for directions. Here is what he says to such requests: “I will instruct you and show you the way to go.” Plan your path. Let God plan the diversions. One day you will arrive at the end of the journey and look back. I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m guessing many of your favorite memories will be from those points where God said, “Turn here.”

Which way will you go today?


I will go with God.


Our Father, I have a plan in my mind for how things should go. You have a better plan. I have a path marked out. Yours contains better scenery. I am in a hurry. You are never early, never late. You are always on time. Instruct me. Show the way I should go. Amen. 


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