Daily D – Psalm 48:9-10

by | Jul 17, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 48:9, 10  
Within your temple, O God, we meditate on your unfailing love. Like your name, O God, your praise reaches to the ends of the earth; your right hand is filled with righteousness. (NIV)

God, within your temple, we contemplate your faithful love. Like your name, God, so your praise reaches to the ends of the earth; your right hand is filled with justice. (CSB)

Have you ever sat through a not-so-inspiring sermon? (You should feel what it is like to be the preacher in such circumstances.) As you allow your mind to wander, what do you ponder?

I read about the value of gratitude a few years ago. One of the encouragements in the article was to keep a gratitude journal. I have such a dedicated journal sitting on the breakfast table. Each evening before bedtime, I write down at least one thing I am grateful for in the day now passed. Writing about this same idea sometime back, a friend responded and said she writes down three things she is grateful for each day. This is a good start. 

If your pastor is not on top of his game today or someday soon, when your mind is tempted to wander, your gratitude journal gives you something to ponder. This is one of the reasons we attend worship weekly. We come to express our love to God in worship. We come to celebrate with our brothers and sisters what God has done in our lives over the last week.

Last Sunday, my bride and I knelt in prayer at the altar with a particular psalm open which we prayed together. Our Father in heaven graciously, lovingly heard and answered our prayer. How could I not return to worship today to express my love and gratitude?

Before you find your Bible and your notepad and pen and climb in the car for the drive to worship, reflect on your many blessings from the week gone by. If you keep a gratitude journal, and you should, flip through the pages and remind yourself of God’s unmistakable hand in your life this week. 

Worship God for who he is. Thank him for what he does. Dedicate yourself to living in wonder, awe, praise, and gratitude. You will always have something to ponder when your mind begins to wander.

I will celebrate God’s greater Yes today.


Our Father, how extravagant you are in your gracious gifts! How wonderful you are in answering our prayers better than we pray them! We bring you our praise and thanksgiving today. We will learn to live in gratitude for how good you are to us day by day and moment by moment. Amen. 


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