Daily D – Psalm 86:11

by | Aug 24, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

Teach me your way, LORD, and I will live by your truth. Give me an undivided mind to fear your name.
PSALM 86:11 (CSB)

Train me, GOD, to walk straight;
then I’ll follow your true path.
Put me together, one heart and mind;
then, undivided, I’ll worship in joyful fear.

(The Message)

There are two paths in this psalm. David wants to make sure he is on the right one and he seeks God’s direction. He wants to walk with God and to follow where he leads. He knows this is the path of mercy and love (verses 5 and 6). 

Notice his request. He says, “Teach me your way, LORD.” David certainly remembered all that God had done for his people across the centuries. He knew the many times God had saved and empowered him. In God’s strength, he had taken on a lion, a bear, and a Big Boy.

As an investment prospectus reminds us, past performance is no guarantee of future results. David did not want to lean on his experiences with God in the past. He wanted to walk wisely and truthfully into the future. 

This is the path of an undivided mind and a soul set on praise. 

We find the other path in verse 14:

God, arrogant people have attacked me;
a gang of ruthless men intends to kill me.
They do not let you guide them.

Those who walk away from God can grow arrogant and hateful. The longer they walk in darkness, the more they like it. The more in love with themselves they become, the more they loathe others. 

The day lies before us. Decisions have to be made. Which path will you take today? One path is filled with praise and thanksgiving. The other is filled with arrogance and ruthlessness.


I will walk with God and live by his truth.


Our Father, prepare the way before me. Prepare me for the way. Protect me, defend me, keep me moving in the right direction a the right speed. I do not want to get ahead of you. I do not want to fall behind you. I do not want to swerve to the left or to the right. Show me the way I should go so that I may praise you and thank you from a joyful heart. Amen.


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