Daily D – Psalm 92:14

by | Aug 6, 2020 | Daily D | 0 comments

Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. PSALM 92:14 (NLT)


Almost nine years ago, on the first day of my current job, my coworker Becky placed a potted rose in my office. It took only a couple of weeks to shrivel and die under my care. My mother will be horrified when she reads those last two sentences. (Hi Mom!) She is a Certified Master Gardener. Once upon a time, I was pretty good with a garden. Once upon a time.

Our Baby Girl is following in her grandmother’s steps. Her home and yard are filled with plants of various types which create a relaxing atmosphere inside and out. (Happy birthday, Baby Girl!) Our son is good at growing vegetables, or he was until he moved to the desert. 

Dave Barry, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and newspaper columnist, wrote a book entitled, Stay Fit and Healthy Until You’re Dead. This book was purchased for my bride when she was going through a season where she needed a good laugh. The title makes me smile every time I think about it. It also makes me think about living, really living, all the way to the end. 

The singer of this song was thinking these same thoughts when he placed quill to scroll. In vv. 12, 13, he says,

But the godly will flourish like palm trees
and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon.
For they are transplanted to the LORD’s own house.
They flourish in the courts of our God.

Senor Psalmist says those who honor God with their lives flourish. They thrive, even in old age, like palm trees, like cedars of Lebanon. He says they decorate God’s house. They beautify his courts. 

Over twenty-five years ago, we planted a tree in our front yard. It was a scrawny thing. We were not sure it would survive. Today it provides ample shade to a once barren turf. It was young and strong enough to survive and then thrive. Now it is more beautiful than ever. I want to be like that. I want to thrive, to flourish even as I age toward the point of no return. How about you?

Senor Psalmist says those who walk with God “remain vital and green.” He says, “they will still produce fruit.” He says this is true “Even in old age.” 

There comes a point where we have to make up our minds on whether we will keep growing or will go to seed. I want to stay fit and healthy until I die. I want to flourish, grow strong, and thrive in my walk with God. Physically, genetics will have their say. Spiritually, I will have my say. I say I want to produce fruit and grow strong all the days of my life. I want to live the kind of life God can bless all my days and all my hereafters. 

However, make sure any plants you give me to decorate my office are the kind I cannot kill.


I will flourish forever.


Our Father, I want to remain vital and alive all the days of my life. Keep me close to you. I cannot thrive without you. You are the Ultimate Master Gardener. Give me the kind of life that produces beautiful shade and wonderful fruit for others. Amen. 


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