Daily D – 2 Chronicles 21:20

by | May 16, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

2 Chronicles 21:20  Jehoram was thirty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem eight years. No one was sorry when he died. They buried him in the City of David, but not in the royal cemetery. (NLT)

Every story has a backstory. Every leader has a formative past. Jehoram became king because he was the oldest son of the deceased king. He did just about everything wrong a king could do. He reigned eight years, died of horrendous disease, and no one was sorry when he was gone. Don’t be that guy.

No matter who you are, no matter your status, no matter your responsibilities and opportunities, you can leave the world better than you found it. Enrich the lives of others with positive, focused attention. Live generously. Extravagantly encourage others. Profusely sing other people’s praises. Speak the truth in love. 

Give more than you receive. Rebuild broken lives. Restore those who are worn out. Rethink ideas that keep people in bondage. Reflect God’s mercy and grace. Refresh others with the peace of his presence. 

Today is an opportunity to practice positive impact. Make up your mind to be the best encounter everyone who sees you today has all day long. Serve with a smile. Laugh easily. Sing happy songs. Live as if you know the secret to the universe and bear the key opening all of glory to anyone who desires the best there can be. 

Turn Galatians 2:20 into reality. Make Colossians 2:27 come alive. Express the beauty of Philippians 1:21. 

Don’t merely tell stories; live them. Turn tragedies into triumphs. Lead others to the place where every ending is happy. Lead them to Jesus.

I will practice positive impact.

Our Father, saturate our lives with your grace, mercy, and peace. May your love overflow into the lives of everyone we meet today. May your hand of healing and restoration touch broken lives. Use us in whatever manner you see fit to beautify your world. Amen.


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