Daily D – Ecclesiastes 3:14

by | Jun 11, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Ecclesiastes 3:14  I know that everything God does will last forever; there is no adding to it or taking from it. God works so that people will be in awe of him. (CSB)

It somehow seems fitting to begin Ecclesiastes today. Four days without much rest, with a lot of travel and all-day meetings, will make you feel like the author of this book full of uncomfortable truths. 

The first eight verses of this chapter delight even those who do not know and delight themselves in God. The Byrds even recorded these verses as a hit song in 1965. Preachers love asking questions like, “What time is it where you are?” What is your current season? 

A simple thought suffices this morning since last night’s flight came in way too late, and my bedtime was as close to my morning alarm as it was to my Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep prayers. Here it is: It’s all about seeing God for who he is and responding appropriately.

Each of us has a date of birth and a date of death. We are here now to know and experience God and to help others do the same. We are to see him for who he is. We are to live in a manner consistent with his character. We are to blessed others with all he entrusts to us. It’s all about him. It’s not about me. 

One group who shaped the world for generations long after their founders passed from the scene held the philosophy summed up with these words: Live, share God’s good news, die and be forgotten. What endures is God’s good news for every person. I am but a temporary transmitter of this truth. 

This may sound a bit sad and sappy. Considered aright after one more cup of dark roast, it should help us understand God’s purpose in putting us here in the first place. We are part of his plan to extend his love, grace, kindness, compassion, and mercy anywhere and everywhere it is needed. 

God’s dream for your life is that you will become a herald and a healer, a follower and a multiplier, a friend of Jesus who is a friend to the whole world. 

One more cup of alertness will refine and restate these ideas. Even so, we know enough to smile at today, and all that comes our way. We belong to God. It’s all about him. He includes us in accomplishing his loving, joyful purpose.

I will focus on what endures forever.

Our Father, everything everywhere is all about you. You are True North. You are The Way. You are Life. Use me in whatever manner you see fit to express your wonder. Amen. 


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