Daily D – Exodus 7:1-2

by | Jan 19, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Exodus 7:1, 2  The Lord answered Moses, “See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother will be your prophet. You must say whatever I command you; then Aaron your brother must declare it to Pharaoh so that he will let the Israelites go from his land.“ (CSB)

Beginning again is hard. Learning to lead in the face of resolute opposition is harder. Asking for a personal intermediary to declare what you fear you cannot say enhances the challenge. Having tried and failed already can truly rob your confidence. What could keep you going? 

Listen carefully to what God says. Do what he says the way he says to do it. 

Pharaoh acted like he was a god. When Moses and Aaron showed up with God’s instructions, Pharaoh was ready to rumble. When self-proclaimed gods take on the Creator of the World and Everything in It, it is not a fair fight. God in his grace let Pharaoh take his swings. He allowed him to punch with all the force he had and all he could muster. 

Gods go down when they challenge the One True God. Card tricks and parlor magic may mystify the gullible, but God is not impressed. 

Beginning again is much easier when we listen carefully to what God says and follow his plans resolutely. 

Moses and Aaron stepped into the challenge with fear and trembling. They gained confidence as they watched God do what only God can do. As their understanding of his nature and character was revealed layer by layer, day by day, they could see how this contest would end. They lived in anticipation of that glorious unfolding. 

How do you need to begin again today? 

Where have you fallen short and suffered the consequences? 

Listen to what God says. Step into his wonderful plan for your life. Follow his instructions. Watch him peel away the layers of obstruction. Stay in step with him over the long haul toward the renovation he is patiently and kindly working out. When he wins, and he will, we win with him.

I will listen to God’s instructions and follow them toward their good end. 

Our Father, make me ever more adept at hearing you clearly and following your instructions. Empower me to begin again. Amen. 


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