Daily D – Genesis 31:2

by | Jan 9, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Genesis 31:2  And Jacob saw from Laban’s face that his attitude toward him was not the same as before. (CSB)

Simple truth stated succinctly cuts through chapters of reportage. 

Laban was a man always searching for a deal tilted in his favor. He was a man who played chess while everyone else played checkers. Jacob refused to say, “King me.” Instead, he said, “Checkmate.” It turns out two can play that game, and it also turns out cheaters never win. This is especially true when God is the tournament director. 

Genesis 29-31 covers a lot of time, a lot of manipulation, a lot of baby-making, and a lot of historic precedent for the rest of time. Give it a read if you haven’t already.

It all came down to this: Laban’s face. He had met his match. He could no longer cheat Jacob out of anything. 

God told Jacob to return to his homeland (31:3, 13). 

God told Laban to let him go unharmed (31:24). 

That parting was not a matter of sweet sorrow. Instead, it was a matter of mutual agreement to follow God’s directions. 

In all of the activities of the years covered in these chapters, in all of the manipulation and maneuvering, God’s will still prevailed. This is a truth worth remembering. You might call it the central idea of the text. 

Where is God at work in your life that is as yet unseen to others? 

What is God saying to you today?

Which direction has he set before you?

I will remember that God’s purpose prevails no matter how others try to manipulate events or epochs.

Our Father, you are in charge here. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth a it is in heaven. Amen. 


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