Daily D – Jeremiah 10:23-24

by | Aug 15, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Jeremiah 10:23, 24  “I know, Lord, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course. So correct me, Lord, but please be gentle. Do not correct me in anger, for I would die.” (NLT)

Course corrections are essential. They are as inevitable as any form of ambulation or conveyance. In other words, walking and traveling both call for necessary adjustments. Straight lines are almost always limited to paper and pencils, device screens and styluses. 

Consider: “Don’t step on a crack, . . .”

* Detours
* Traffic jams
* Poky people
* Potholes

Get the picture?

Returning from Austin one evening, the GPS notified me that a faster path was available and asked if I wanted those directions. I chose speed. However, the directions then took me off the main highway and had me drive through Hillsboro and along back roads. It was late at night and a wild adventure was not part of my plans. I chose not to exit.

Thirty minutes later, sitting in a very long line of construction traffic, I wished I had followed the path marked out for me by the omniscient satellite guiding me through the night. 

Today I will drive to work, and from there I will drive to Conroe. I’m trusting our Father in heaven’s guidance and Google’s directions. I know which highway to take, but I don’t know what’s under construction where, and I don’t know where the slowdowns will be, and I don’t know how to avoid unnecessary delays without the guidance of both God and Google. 

GPS did let me down one day. Driving through Dallas, GPS notified me of a wreck ahead. It counseled me to take the next exit and then make a quick left and so forth. It told everyone else this as well. I arrived at my meeting thirty minutes late. 

GPS is not always omniscient. It sees things as they are. By contrast, God sees them as they are and will be. 

Proverbs 19:21 says, “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails,” (New International Version).

Since God’s purpose prevails and since what he wants for us is better than what we want for ourselves, we should pray this prayer with Jeremiah and follow the guidance of Proverbs 16:3:

Commit your actions to the LORD,
and your plans will succeed.

Keep in mind Proverbs 16:9:

We can make our plans,
but the LORD determines our steps.

More from Proverbs 16:20:

Those who listen to instruction will prosper; 
those who trust the Lord will be joyful.

Where are you going today? Are you sure you know the way? How will you handle any delay? Who will reroute your day?

This is a good time to pray like Jeremiah.
* I belong to You.
* You plan better journeys than I do.
* Your correction redirects me along the best paths.
* You are gentle and kind and loving and joyful. 
* You know the way, show the way, and are the Way.

I will follow God’s directions.

Our Father, you know the rules and the exceptions, the highways and the detours. Yours is the way of expediency and adventure. Yours is the way of love and life. You lead me precisely where you want me to go precisely when you want me to get there. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Amen. 


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