Daily D – Job 21:2-3

by | May 24, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Job 21:2, 3  
“Pay close attention to my words; 
let this be the consolation you offer. 
Bear with me while I speak; 
then after I have spoken, you may continue mocking.” (CSB)

Consoling the bereaved and those who suffer is better accomplished by peaceful presence than by any combination of words. 

Job asked for his friends to listen deeply. Deep listening is a gift. It is one of the richest of luxuries. It is more valuable than gold and gems. It quickly draws hearts together. It joins hands. It directs steps. 

A holy hug and a listening ear are among our most helpful actions in any and every situation. 

This book teaches us lesson after lesson about deep listening and peaceful presence. It teaches us to leave God arguments for philosophy and theology classes and out of hospital rooms and away from sickbeds. 

This book teaches us how to honor and serve hurting hearts and wounded souls. 

Listen more.
Talk less.
This is a gift
That never fails to bless.

I will listen deeply.

Our Father, sometimes I want to ask powerful questions before I have listened deeply. Sometimes I want to make powerful statements before I know the whole matter before me. Sometimes I want to declare truth when I don’t know all the facts. Please help me become the kind of man who Job could come to in complete confidence that he would be fully heard and deeply loved. Amen.


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