Daily D – Joshua 1:1-5

by | Mar 5, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Joshua 1:1-5  After the death of Moses the Lord’s servant, the Lord spoke to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’s assistant: “Moses my servant is dead. Now you and all the people prepare to cross over the Jordan to the land I am giving the Israelites. I have given you every place where the sole of your foot treads, just as I promised Moses. Your territory will be from the wilderness and Lebanon to the great river, the Euphrates River — all the land of the Hittites  — and west to the Mediterranean Sea. No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. I will be with you, just as I was with Moses. I will not leave you or abandon you.“ (CSB)

And then one day, you discover you are the grownup. 

Our son and a couple of his buddies decided to go for a long motorcycle ride through the California desert. One guy invited another friend or two. Soon, there gathered a gaggle of riders, several of whom were not so disciplined. In short, they acted like fourteen-year-olds with too much motor beneath them.

Our son decided to lie back and follow the group from the rear. He expected disaster, and he was right. 

One rider in particular rode too fast and out of control. When our son crested a hill, he found a wreck with motorcycle parts scattered everywhere. He had hit a truck. 

The rider lay on the ground in horrific physical condition. Somebody needed to do something to save this man’s life. Several of the undisciplined riders scattered to the wind. 

Long story short, our son discovered he was the grownup. He was the one who would have to do what needed to be done. He did. The man lived long enough for his son and the rest of his family to say goodbye before he died a couple of days later. 

Joshua discovered he was now the grownup. Miriam was gone. Aaron was gone. Now Moses was gone. 

Forty years as an understudy and assistant had prepared him for this moment, but who is really prepared to follow the most humble man who ever lived? (See Numbers 12:3.)

Not only was Moses the one God used to confront and destroy Pharaoh, to open and close the Red Sea, to lead the people for forty years through the wilderness, and to meet with God face to face, Moses was the single most dependable man they had ever known. 

These are big shoes to fill. It is completely understandable for people to shrink back from such responsibility. Joshua knew he was not up to the task. God knew Joshua’s heart. That’s why he chose him for that time and place in history. He spoke these powerful words to him, words that speak courage and confidence to us today. The same God who was with Moses and Joshua is with us.

I leaned hard on 1:9 as a young leader. I still do. Verse 8 helps me put verse 9 into practice. The more I know about God, his nature, and his character, the less I am afraid to be the grownup in the room, and the more confident I am in stepping into the messiness calling forth leadership and direction. The better I learn to depend on God for all things at all times, the better I am able to lead myself and others. 

Where do you see yourself in Joshua’s story? What are you afraid of today? How will knowing God is with you and that he will provide for you everything you need as you step forward into today’s assignment move you confidently in the right direction? 

God is with us wherever we are. Let him lead because he knows the way. Let him provide because he is the Giver of All Good Things. Let him empower you because nothing is impossible with him. 

I will live with confidence and courage because God is in charge here and he leads me.

Our Father, lead me. Lead me today. Lead me all the days of my life. Lead me all the way home. I trust you will provide what I need when I need it today. I trust your presence to provide courage and confidence. Amen.


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