Daily D – Judges 16:20

by | Mar 24, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Judges 16:20  Then she cried out, “Samson! The Philistines have come to capture you!” When he woke up, he thought, “I will do as before and shake myself free.” But he didn’t realize the Lord had left him. (NLT)

Of all the sad words written in the Bible, these may be the saddest: “But he didn’t realize the LORD had left him.” How would your life be different without God’s presence, power, and provision?

At this point, we could add some conviction by asking questions like, “Would you know it if God abandoned you? What evidence is there that God is alive and well and working in and through your life?” 

But let’s not do that. Instead, let’s ponder the day ahead. Take a look at your calendar. What activities are before you? How will you enter into each circumstance you can foresee with the strength God provides, the conscious awareness of his presence, and his provision for whatever you need in every conversation, confrontation, and collaboration?

First, you have never been anywhere God is not. Bring this to mind in every challenging moment just as you do in every worship service and every encounter with beauty and wonder. 

Second, ask God to direct your thoughts, your speech, and your actions. Do this now in preparation for what you can see lies ahead. Do it again as often as necessary as circumstances change.

Third, trust God to hear and answer these prayers better than you pray them. Trust God with the results even when they do not seem to go your way. Trust God to work out his bigger, better plan than what an apparent loss or setback seems to derail or delay. 

Fourth, find those kindred hearts who seek to know and experience God in all things at all times and find a way to overflow with God’s goodness in tandem. 

There are so many ways you and I need to avoid the ways of Samson. May the most important distinction between us and him be how we know God’s presence, leadership, and strength in all things at all times. May we feel horror at the thought of a God-free existence.

I will know God’s presence in all things at all times.

Our Father, I do not want to miss you. I do not want to ignore you. I do not want to behave as if you are not present or in charge. I want to know you, experience you, and depend on you in all things at all times. Draw my thoughts back to you as often as necessary. Give me your wisdom for every challenge. Empower me to take those actions and speak those words declaring my confidence in your presence, power, and provision. Amen. 


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