Daily D – Luke 11:3

by | Aug 28, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Luke 11:3  “Give us each day the food we need,” (NLT)

I worked on a dairy farm for several years during high school and into college years. The couple I worked for was one of my friend’s grandparents. They provided the tools necessary for the work. They also provided a hot meal at lunch along with fresh-brewed sweet iced tea. 

After a full morning in the hot sun, that sweet tea hit the spot. It may have been the best iced tea ever. A quick siesta after lunch prepared us to bear the afternoon’s heat. 

When Jesus sent out the Twelve in Luke 9, he provided clear instructions on what to do. Among those instructions included,

“Take nothing for your journey,” he instructed them. “Don’t take a walking stick, a traveler’s bag, food, money, or even a change of clothes,” (verse 3).

When he sent the seventy-two others in Luke 10, he told them,

“Don’t move around from home to home. Stay in one place, eating and drinking what they provide. Don’t hesitate to accept hospitality, because those who work deserve their pay,” (verse 7).

It is entirely consistent for Jesus in his instructions to teach his followers to pray, “Give us each day the food we need.” We are to ask God for what we need and to trust him to provide it. 

Consider the manna the Israelites experienced day by day during the Exodus. God provided them what they needed each morning, except for the Sabbath. He provided enough on the day before the Sabbath to last through the Sabbath. 

Returning to Luke 9, we notice that after the disciples’ commissioning, Jesus feeds five thousand men with all they could eat. Twelve baskets full of leftovers were collected. (See verses 10-17.)

Where God guides, God provides. Living on mission is not a pathway of neglect and need. 

What do you need today for what is ahead of you? Ask God for it simply. Trust God for it completely. Enjoy what he places in your hands. Give him thanks for every good and perfect gift.

I will trust God to provide what I need when I need it as I live the mission he has set before me.

Our Father, I trust you will show me the way I should go and that you will provide what I need along the way. You always have. You always will. Amen. 


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