Daily D – Luke 2:18-19

by | Dec 30, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Luke 2:18, 19  All who heard the shepherds’ story were astonished, but Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often. (NLT)

There are quite a few people who listen to Christmas music all year long. There are several good reasons for doing so. Many of the most elite musicians of history wrote and performed songs we still sing today. Songs from this archive of treasured tunes speak to our hearts in two directions. They remind us of precious memories formed long ago. They also point us toward the day when the hopes and fears of all the years will meet in ultimate consummation and resolution. 

I heard one woman say that God had given her a Christmas heart. Every day was Christmas for her. This is not a matter of evergreen and tinsel, lights and ornaments, decorations and gifts wrapped with care. Instead, it’s a case of revisiting deep memory. It’s about pondering the wonder of all that happened on that silent night so long ago and how it continues touching hearts today.

Jesus’ mother Mary, I’m guessing, understands this mindset. In fact, she originated it. Twice in this chapter, Luke tells us how Mary “kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often.” The Message paraphrases these verses this way:

Mary kept all these things to herself, holding them dear, deep within herself.
Verse 19

His mother held these things dearly, deep within herself.
Verse 51

Today is a good day to write down the lingering melody of this season. What do you want to remember forever from the Christmas just now past? What will accompany you into eternity? What do you give thanks to God for now, and what will you give thanks for when you meet him face to face one day?

Some things are worth remembering forever. 

Those things are worth thanking God for today. 

The Christmas spirit we often hear about in popular entertainment really can last all year long. Gather your memories. Collect them with care. Store them lovingly. Revisit them regularly. 

I will celebrate God’s gift of perfect love all year long.

Our Father, how loving you are! How kind and compassionate! How overflowing with grace and mercy! Thank you for treasures we can carry forever. Thank you for building a pathway to your doorway with ample evidence of your divine intervention in this world, in our families, in our lives. Amen.


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