Daily D – Numbers 27:22-23

by | Feb 17, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Numbers 27:22, 23  Moses did as the LORD commanded him. He took Joshua, had him stand before the priest Eleazar and the entire community, laid his hands on him, and commissioned him, as the Lord had spoken through Moses. (CSB)

Actions have consequences. Sinful choices bear negative consequences. Moses’ disobedience when God told him to speak to the rock to provide water led to this unhappy end. Moses would die a step short of the Promised Land. 

When God told Moses it was time to go, Moses asked God to provide a new leader who would lead with integrity and character. God answered his prayer by having Moses commission Joshua. (See 27:12-23.)

One quick point before shuffling off to share blueberry waffles with our curly-haired granddaughter: “Moses did as the LORD commanded him.” There are some commands we dare not mess up. Moses messed up by striking the rock when he was told to speak to it. This prevented him from finishing the mission God had given him. 

If he messed up again, the whole Israelite community could bear the consequences of his disobedience. Here we see and hear Moses’ humility on display. When God announced it was time for his departure, Moses asked God to provide someone to step into his role. God said, “Yes.” He chose Joshua who had been there, done that with Moses for the last forty years. Moses publicly commissioned him. 

Mess up leadership transitions with untimely disobedience and mess up more futures than you can count. 

Disobedience has consequences. Those consequences hinder and harm people near and far. 

Obedience also has consequences. Those consequences are pleasant and bless people far and wide. 

We can join our God in building a better world by making right choices. 

Want to go that one step further that fulfills God’s dream for you? Make the next right choice and keep making those choices until you arrive where only obedience can take you. God’s Greater Yes is there. It’s everything you wanted and so much more. 

I will experience God’s pleasant consequences by my obedience.

Our Father, empower me to lean into your Greater Yes by saying yes to every good choice. Amen. 


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