Daily D – Proverbs 10:22

by | Jun 4, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Proverbs 10:22  
The Lord’s blessing enriches, 
and he adds no painful effort to it. (CSB)

God’s blessing makes life rich; 
nothing we do can improve on God. (MSG)

God enriches our lives with goodness not limited to bank accounts and possessions. This goodness is not a matter of labor, but love. 

God loves giving good gifts to his children. 

God’s goodness is not for sale. It is not earned through good behavior. 

God is good. He gives good gifts. 

God blesses us even when we are not watching, not paying attention, not even asking. 

Every good, truly good thing in our lives is a gift from God. 

Air we breathe? Check.
Sun that rises, shines, and sets with dramatic beauty? Check.
Rain that falls and nourishes plants, animals, and people? Check.
Food that fills and strengthens us? Check.
Sleep that restores us? Check.
Knowledge to build homes, transportation, and workplaces? Check.
Wisdom in knowing what to say when, and what not to? Check.
Relationships that make us smile even when we are not near one another? Check.

This list of God’s good and perfect gifts is practically endless. What would you add?

And, your sweat doesn’t make the sun rise. Your hard work doesn’t make stars shine. Your enduring labor doesn’t improve any of God’s good gifts. 

The Message nails it: 

God’s blessing makes life rich; 
nothing we do can improve on God.

Improve your life by enjoying God’s good and perfect gifts and thanking him for them.

I will celebrate God’s goodness.

Our Father, you are the Giver of All Good Things. Thank you for gifts so mundane we seldom think about them. Thank you for those gifts that arrest our attention and refocus our souls. Thank you for how you lavish your love upon us without asking for sweaty service to earn it. When I stop to think about what makes me feel rich, it all comes back to knowing and experiencing you. Amen. 


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