Daily D – Psalm 133:1

by | Oct 10, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 133:1 How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony! (NLT)

Harmony is harder than it has to be. Too many people today prefer to sing solos.

A social media post making the rounds shows U2 adapting their song Pride (In the Name of Love) to honor the Israelis killed by Hamas terrorists as well as the Palestinians killed by Israel’s forceful response. (See it here: [https://bit.ly/46IrmQV])

We have attempted to live in harmony with our Black Dog for the last twelve hours or so. She awakened me around midnight with a politely urgent request to go outside. Then she did it again a couple of hours later. And again a couple of hours later. And again when my bride arose for the day and again just now.

She is appropriately apologetic. She does love us so. I will stop for yogurt on the way home from my early appointment with the shoulder surgeon. Millie the Black Dog and I understand one another and work together to keep from having to clean up a rather unwelcome mess inside our home.

You and I will have innumerable opportunities to sing solos today. We will make more beautiful music and cause fewer messes if we learn to sing in harmony.

Let’s sing together, and let’s make fewer messes.

I will learn to harmonize.

Our Father, we need more harmony and fewer solos. Remind us how working together works. Empower us to join hands, hearts, and high parts to make beautiful music that honors you and blesses others. Amen.


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