Daily D – Psalm 25:6-7

by | Jun 19, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 25:6, 7 
Remember, O Lord, your compassion and unfailing love, which you have shown from long ages past. Do not remember the rebellious sins of my youth. Remember me in the light of your unfailing love, for you are merciful, O Lord. (NLT)

Mark the milestones of your mercy and love, God; 
Rebuild the ancient landmarks! 
Forget that I sowed wild oats; 
Mark me with your sign of love. 
Plan only the best for me, God! (MSG)

Memory is tricky, fickle even. Some things we never forget. Other things we never remember. Some things we wish had never happened find a way to distract us when we need to focus on something else. 

What do you want God to remember about you? 

What do you want him to forget?

King David helps us know how to talk to God about memories. He asks God to remember his compassion and unfailing love. This kinda sorta sounds like a child buttering up parents before discipline is applied. 

“Instead of pondering my rebellion, call to mind instead how good and kind you are.”

David doesn’t stop there. He again asks God to remember his unfailing love and mercy. These twin sets of remembrance include compassion and unfailing love, and unfailing love and mercy. David doubled down on God’s unfailing love. He wanted to be sure it was actually unfailing, I suppose. 

The Message is almost amusing when it says, 

Forget that I sowed wild oats; 
Mark me with your sign of love. 
Plan only the best for me, God!

Psalm 25 is a good song to sing when we require realignment. When we need to come home to God and his goodness, this is a prayer to pray to show us the way. 

King David asks God to view him not through the lens of sinful rebellion, but through the lens of compassion, mercy, and unfailing love. God forgives every sin we confess. To confess is to agree. It is to see things as God sees them. It is to acknowledge the wrong committed to turn away from that problem with decisive deliberation. This wee bit of redundant wordplay helps us lean into the meaning of the moment. 

Confess your sins. Trust God to forgive you. Know he remembers your repentance in the light of his compassion, mercy, and unfailing love. He provides a way home to himself and a way forward into purpose. 

What do you want God to forget? What do you want him to remember?

What do you need to remember about God? What do you need to remember as you start fresh today?

I will remember God’s compassion, mercy, unfailing love, and his purpose for my best next steps.

Our Father, thank you for remembering us with grace that is greater than all our sin. Thank you for remembering your purpose for our lives. Lead us forward today in your compassion, mercy, and unfailing love as all of our yesterday sins are washed away. Thank you for a fresh start. Amen. 


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