Daily D – Psalm 84:11

by | Aug 22, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 84:11  For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. (NLT)

Psalm 84:10-12  All sunshine and sovereign is God, generous in gifts and glory. He doesn’t scrimp with his traveling companions. It’s smooth sailing all the way with God-of-the-Angel-Armies. (MSG)

My friend Jessie Cruikshank’s new book is entitled Ordinary Discipleship: How God Wires Us for the Adventure of Transformation. She is singularly equipped to guide us along this journey. This book provides wonderful instruction. It is filled with wisdom. As much as I love reading books, this is one to listen to as much as to hold in your hand. Jessie reads the Audible version, and her true passion for God and for others is evident in the rising and falling of her voice. 

Similarly, you can hear Korah’s Kids singing in harmony when you read the words of this psalm. The strings are strummed just so. The mood is unhurried and celebratory. Deep joy drenches the chords and enriches the voices. 

Our Father’s traveling companions receive grace and glory. He gives good gifts. He guides and provides. 

Today is a traveling day. My next Audible selection is set to play. My podcast episodes are queued. I will lean in to listen to what God has to say to me through the voices I have invited to share the journey with me. 

Who will speak into your life today? Who have you invited? How will you handle interruptions? How will manage the irritability that clings to some souls to such a degree they somehow believe it is normal?

How we listen is often as important as what we hear. Listen for God’s voice, for his truth, in every circumstance. Knowing his words of truth and life empowers us to discard useless and harmful words. They also give us proper responses should we need to say something in reply. 

Our Father in Heaven will live up to his name. He will give us words of truth and life. He will fill our hearts and minds with grace and glory. He will strengthen us to live and to tell a better story. 

Place this song, Psalm 84, in the forefront of your thoughts. Use it as a filter as you receive other words. Employ its reverence and peace as you speak. 

Good words give life. God’s words are grace and glory to all who will walk with him, talk with him, and know him step by step in the pitter-patter of our days. 

I will keep God’s songs playing in my heart so that they may filter what I hear and add shape what I say.

Our Father, please place your thoughts in my mind and your words in my mouth. May everything I hear be filtered through your grace and glory. May everything I say be enriched with that grace and glory. Empower me to give good gifts through what I say. Amen.


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