Daily D – Romans 8:6

by | Nov 28, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Romans 8:6  “So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.” (NLT)

Romans 15:13  “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Who will you let control you today? Our measure of the good life and perfect peace depends on how we answer this question. A life of hopeful expectation, joyful presence, and perfect peace is possible when we trust God from the bottom of our hearts. This is how to live an overflowing life of abundance and generosity. 

Romans 8:6 invites us to welcome God’s Spirit to control our minds. Control is kind of a big issue for us. We like feeling in control, even when we know we’re not. What you and I are capable of controlling is fairly limited and dependent upon our moods and resources. God controls, you may recall from the children’s song, the whole world. 

Yielding control of our lives and many issues and responsibilities to God may initially feel terrifying. With practice, we discover two complementary truths. First, we were never as in control as we pretended. Second, God is better at controlling everything than we are at controlling anything. 

When I control my life, I have to juggle a million balls, and almost all of them fall to the ground. When God controls my life, the only things falling away are things that ultimately were in the way. 

This is a good day to pray, “Our Father, Source of hope, please take control of my life. You take the lead. You show me the way. Teach me your steps of faith, your rhythms of grace. I want to live the kind of life that overflows with confident hope through the power of your Spirit. Amen.”

I will yield control to God’s Spirit living within me.

Our Father, Source of hope, please take control of my life. You take the lead. You show me the way. Teach me your steps of faith, your rhythms of grace. I want to live the kind of life that overflows with confident hope through the power of your Spirit. Amen. 


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