Expensify App

by | Mar 30, 2020 | Useful Apps | 0 comments

Expensify makes my life better because it makes expense reports easier. I loathe expense reports. They take up at least an hour each month that I would prefer to use more productively.

The app was updated recently and works better than ever.

Begin by connecting your credit cards and financial accounts to the app through the Expensify website. Don’t worry about security, Concur, the parent company of Expensify, is a major player in providing tools like this for corporations and businesses of all sizes.

Expensify will automatically keep up with all of your expenses. It gives you the opportunity to select categories for each expense. You can also add cash expenses. Mileage can be tracked in one of three ways. You can enter the distance by number of miles, odometer reading, or GPS tracking. Enter the current mileage rate set by the IRS and it calculates the cost of the trip and adds it to the appropriate place in your monthly report.

Concur is the parent company of the travel app I have used for years, Tripit. Expensify can now perform several of the same functions Tripit provides. Enter your travel information and it will update you if there is a change in your flight schedule. It also keeps up with all related expenses and can add them to your regular monthly report or to a special travel report. 

The best thing about this app is that Gary’s life is so much easier now when I turn in my expense report. I still mess up one thing or another just to see if he’s paying attention. (He is.)


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